TVN24 – GIGers and changes on the European labor market [interview in Polish]
interia.tv – soon they will constitute 20 percent employees in Poland. Who are the GIGs? [interview in Polish]
BIZNES24 – an extended conversation with the CEO of GIGLIKE [interview in Polish]
EY – raport EY & GIGLIKE: GIG on. Nowy Ład na rynku pracy [polish version]
pulshr.pl – soon every fifth Polish employee will not have an employment contract [article in Polish]
Brief.pl – they consciously quit their jobs, opting for flexibility and higher wages. Who are the Polish GIGers and what do they expect? [article in Polish]
inhire.io – praktyczny podcast: GIGger in IT. Will flexible forms of employment dominate the industry? [interview in Polish]
computerworld.pl – freelancers master the job market not only in IT [article in Polish]